Ahnlab Eps Information

AhnLab EPS provides endpoint protection optimized for fixed function systems that are executed by predefined processes. AhnLab EPS acknowledges the fact that fixed function systems need a lightweight solution with minimal usage of system resources. AhnLab MDS (Malware Defense System) is a network sandbox based APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) protection solution that combines on-premise and cloud-based analytics to defeat advanced targeted threats anywhere across the organization.

AhnLab EDR

Enhanced Response
with Holistic Visibility

AhnLab EDR is an endpoint detection and response solution that provides actionable insights and holistic visibility for enhanced response.

AhnLab EDR is an Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solution that continuously monitors endpoints for comprehensive threat detection, analysis, and response.

New and unknown malware, including ransomware, and malware variants are intensifying at an alarming pace - but organizations do not have adequate response measures in place and rely on traditional endpoint security measures.

To mitigate the risks and strengthen your resiliency in security incidents, EDR technology is necessary. AhnLab EDR provides a total process of information detection, analysis, response, and prediction at endpoints. The response process enables holistic visibility into threats with continuous monitoring and recording of every activity in endpoints, analyzing the flow and enabling stronger response.

[White Paper] A Simple Guide to Understanding EDR

AhnLab EDR provides optimized response and endpoint visibility against threats via adaptive management.

Ahnlab Eps Information

Enhanced Threat Visibility

AhnLab EDR collects, saves, and analyzes all endpoint activities and behavioral data using an exclusive behavior analysis engine. It categorizes and classifies the collected data into actionable insights to enable prompt response. AhnLab EDR enables easy-to-understand, intuitive monitoring of endpoint threats through the process tree.


Optimized Response via Adaptive Management


Based on AhnLab EPP – a unified security management platform – AhnLab EDR provides optimized response via a single agent. Through AhnLab EPP, AhnLab EDR operates with other endpoint solutions with no additional agent installation required. AhnLab EDR also provides flexible interoperation with third-party solutions are provided, thereby strengthening threat intelligence. Through AhnLab's adaptive management system, a stronger and faster user-oriented response is made possible.

With enhanced threat visibility, AhnLab EDR provides optimized response for advanced threats in various environment. AhnLab EDR provides the following benefits:

1. Enhanced Response via Holistic Threat Visibility

  • - Provides detailed analysis, such as the type of threat, point of entry, and target user
  • - Collects all OS-based behavioral data concerning processes, files, registries, networks, and systems
  • - Identifies threats via its exclusive behavior analysis engine and event timeline analysis
  • - Offers a watchlist of suspicious behaviors, such as injection, system setting change, network connection, and ransomware behavior

2. Actionable Insights for Prompt Response

  • - Classifies the data into actionable insights, such as behavior type and severity
  • - Uses intuitive process tree for quick identification of threats
  • - Organization’s security team can actively respond to threat through proactive management
  • - Provides detailed information, such as recommended response actions, reference links, and threat information mapped to MITRE ATT&CK techniques and tactics

3. Connected and Robust Protection

  • - Connecting policy and security measures with other endpoint security solutions available –based on AhnLab EPP
  • - Flexible interoperation with third-party solutions

4. Cost-Effective Deployment and Minimal Management Burden

  • - Run on single agent and at-a-glance management console– based on AhnLab EPP
  • - Vast range of functions can be monitored and controlled via a single interface
  • - No additional agent needed and can run simply by adding a license

AhnLab EDR is easy to deploy via the AhnLab EPP Agent and requires no additional agent installation or kernel driver for EDR operation.

AhnLab EDR Details
System Support
  • · Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7 / 8(8.1) / 10

  • · Windows Server 2003(+SP2, +R2) / 2008(+R2) / 2012(+R2) / 2016 / 2019

  • * 64-bit is supported for the above OS

LanguageKorean, English, Chinese(simplified), Japanese

※ Recommended server specifications vary according to your environment. For more information, please contact us at global.sales@ahnlab.com

IT Security Consulting Services

A Smart Approach to Compliance and Security Enhancement

AhnLab’s IT Security Consulting Service is provided by IT security experts, many of whom are Certified Security Professionals (CISSP, CPP) as well as certified IT product specialists. We analyze the security threat factors of businesses and organizations based on AhnLab’s experienced consulting processes to help you improve your IT security status against advanced threats, facilitate compliance, and efficiently reduce information security risk.

Ahnlab Eps Information Templates


ASEM, the established security consulting methodology of AhnLab

AhnLab Security Engineering Methodology (ASEM) uses a general and systematic approach for analyzing threats in companies or organizations and establishing solutions accordingly.
AhnLab has been designated by the South Korean government as a “Knowledge Information Security Consulting Services Provider” and ASEM is a verified methodology that was awarded for “Software Engineering and Building Technology.” ASEM continues to improve over the years via various projects and consulting experiences. In order to deliver real business value to your organization, AhnLab IT Security Consulting Service presents the most helpful guidelines to clients by performing the following tasks


Ahnlab Eps Information Management System

  • 1. Supports core business and tasks

    We analyze and evaluate the application system that supports the organization’s core business and tasks and the information infrastructure, and then present an information protection solution that will maintain the stability and reliability of the business.

  • 2. PDSC analysis technology

    Based on the method of PDSC (Plan-Do-See-Check), we evaluate your security system and current status to provide the best security countermeasures.

  • 3. Component Based Process (CBP)

    ASEM modularizes each process of security consulting services so that it can be applied to various environments and delivered with cost-effective results.

  • 4. KPI (Key Performance Indicator) of security performance

    We set the security level and goal for clients based on our established information security model and present the KPI of the security performance’s effect on the corporation or organization’s business goal or strategy performance.

  • 5. Threat response scenario

    We present an optimal information security countermeasure that has been verified based on a 5-stage scenario that identifies threats which could affect the corporation or organization.

AhnLab provides IT security consulting services in most areas including compliance, personal information, security systems, industrial facilities, mobile systems and mock-hacking as shown below:

Ahnlab Eps Information Template

  • 1. Information security management system and certification (ISO27001)

    The information security standard is intended to help establish and maintain an effective information protection management system. This will increase the credibility of companies. Security control selection in the security management system will also provide continuity and enhance standards in information protection.

  • 2. Personal information protection

    AhnLab’s consulting services inspect the personal information protection status of corporate systems and departments that deal with personal information and evaluate the managerial, physical and technical protection levels to establish a master plan for information security and to modify or enhance the information protection policy, guidelines and procedures. AhnLab’s consulting professionals use ASEM to establish a systematic personal information protection solution. They also design the physical and technical security architecture for sensitive information, and establish a system to continually enhance and maintain this architecture through a management process.

  • 3. Integrated security assessment

    AhnLab’s Security Assessment & Master Planning Group inspects the corporate security management system on the whole and presents a security solution for vulnerable areas. They inspect the client’s security status and issues based on the information security standard and provide an overall guide for security. This group of security professionals uses a checklist and tools based on the international security standard (ISO27001) and other related security standards to assess and evaluate the security standard of the company through interviews, and presents security solutions in terms of priority.

  • 4. System security assessment

    AhnLab’s consulting services examine the various threat factors that could affect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of important information systems (server, network and security system) they also evaluate vulnerabilities and present solutions for each identified vulnerability. These vulnerabilities are evaluated by type (server, network, information protection system, WAS and DB) according to the form of attack (remote or local), and inspected in the following order:

  • 5. Penetration test

    With the customer’s consent, AhnLab’s security experts conduct internal and external penetration tests based on AhnLab Penetration Test Methodology (APTM). We search the vulnerabilities of the client’s security systems and present the best countermeasures to prevent both internal and external threats and security incidents. The AhnLab Penetration Test Methodology (APTM) consists of 9 stages to ensure a systematic and x-objective approach.