Hikvision Plugin For Mac Chrome
- Web Components are a collection of standards which are working their way through the W3C. One of these specs is called Custom Elements and gives you the ability to create your own HTML elements.
- If you notice that recently your Chrome browser won't give you the live view, that is probably caused the recent Chrome update, which disable the NPAPI plugin by default. Here is the tweek of how you can change a setting to make sure you can still watch the live view and replay video of your CCTV Camera, IP Cameras, NVR, DVR on your Chrome browser.
UPDATE: Hikvision firmware releases (NVR: 4.22.00 / Camera: 5.6.0) now supports a native plugin which allows for video viewing in Chrome and Firefox browsers. Hikvision's current use of NPAPI plugin for web browsers to display video no longer works in Google Chrome v45 (since September 2015) and in Firefox v52.0 released 7th march 2017. This means users will no longer be able to successfully.
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Hikvision No Plugin Detected Mac
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